Search Algorithm - The Maze Solver


Everybody knows what is a maze. In the maze, there are an initial state and a Final state also. We have to reach the final state from the initial state. When we are solving the maze on paper this is normal, but we are going to solve the maze by using Artificial Intelligent. We give a maze problem to our computer and it will give us a solution. we know that how we solve this and how its works. 

To solve this problem we are using the Search Algorithm in Python. We can solve the Search Algorithm by using DFS(Depth-First-Search) and BFS(Breath-First-Search). But today we are using Depth-First-Search.

This is an Artificial Intelligence course conducted in City Universit by Nuruzzaman Faruqui. This is the best course in Bangladesh. Because Sir explained all the necessary things to us well. The problem we are dealing with in lab first, sir gives us a very good idea of the problem by using many examples. After that sir explains about the solutions like how we can solve the problem, how they work. For that, we understand everything very easily. 

Problem : 

First, we have to know about the problem. The problem is :  

·       We have a maze

·       We have an initial state name A

·       We have to reach a goal or the final state name B

·       In this problem we are using Depth-First Search (DFS)



 In this picture, we can see that there an initial state which is A, and a final or goal state name B. We have to reach the goal state.

In this picture, we can see the solution. In the first picture, there was just the problem and the second picture represents how we can reach the goal.

The python code to solve maze problem using DFS.

To solve this problem, we start with a frontier that contains the initial state and an empty set of explored items. Now we have to know what is “Frontier”.

Frontier: Frontier is a data structure where we are going to store all of the data.

For Depth-first search(DFS)  we use stack frontier Which is the “Last in first out ” data type. In order to solve the maze problem, First, we need to understand what is depth-first search.

Depth-first search (DFS): Depth-first search is a one kind of search algorithm that always expands the deepest node in the frontier. It follows a path as far as it can until it either reaches the goal or has nowhere else to go. It’s almost like running as far as you can in one direction until you hit a wall.


We start with a frontier and repeats the following actions until we reach the Solution.

We have to repeat,


  1. If the frontier is empty,

          Stop. There is no solution to the problem.

  1. Remove a node from the frontier. This is the node that will be considered.
  2. If the node contains the goal state,

          Return the solution. Stop.

  1. Else,
  2. Expand the node (find all the new nodes that could be reached from this node), and add resulting nodes to the frontier.
  3. Add the current node to the explored set.


 Pseudocode :

# first we need to import sys. SYS is a python module that provides functions and variables which are used to manipulate different parts of the python runtime environment. 

 import sys

class Node():

def __init__(self, state, parent, action):
self.state = state
self.parent = parent
self.action = action

# In this class we are creating stack frontier
class StackFrontier():

def __init__(self): = []

def add(self, node):

def empty(self):
return len( == 0

def remove(self):
if self.empty():
raise Exception("The frontier is empty")
node =[-1] =[:-1]
return node

def contains_state(self, state):
return any(node.state == state for node in     #we read the maze
class Maze():

def __init__(self, filename):

with open(filename) as f:
contents =

if contents.count("A") != 1:
raise Exception("The maze doesn't have a starting point")
if contents.count("B") != 1:
raise Exception("The maze doesn't have a exit (exit means goal)")

# From there are are study the sturcture of maze and find the height, width and the walls

contents = contents.splitlines()
self.height = len(contents)
self.width = max(len(line) for line in contents)

# We are finding walls here
self.walls = []
for i in range(self.height):
row = []
for j in range(self.width):
if contents[i][j] == "A":
self.start = (i, j)
elif contents[i][j] == "B":
self.goal = (i, j)
elif contents[i][j] == " ":
except IndexError:


self.solution = None     #here we are doing one thing which is we are finding the walls and replace it     with full blocks
def print(self):
solution =
self.solution[1] if self.solution is not None else None
for i, row in enumerate(self.walls):
for j, col in enumerate(row):
if col:
print("█", end="")
elif (i, j) == self.start:
print("A", end="")
elif (i, j) == self.goal:
print("B", end="")
elif solution is not None and (i, j) in solution:
print("*", end="")
print(" ", end="")

def neighbors(self, state):
, col = state
candidates = [
"up", (row - 1, col)),
("down", (row + 1, col)),
("left", (row, col-1)),
("right", (row, col+1))
result = []
for action, (r, c) in candidates:
if 0 <= r < self.height and 0 <= c < self.width and not self.walls[r][c]:
, (r, c)))
return result

def solve(self):

self.num_explored = 0

start = Node(state=self.start, parent=None, action=None)
frontier = StackFrontier()

self.explored = set()

while True:
if frontier.empty():
raise Exception("There is no solution")

node = frontier.remove()
self.num_explored += 1

if node.state == self.goal:
actions = []
cells = []

while node.parent is not None:
node = node.parent
self.solution = (actions, cells)

for action, state in self.neighbors(node.state):
if not frontier.contains_state(state) and state not in self.explored:
child = Node(
state=state, parent=node, action=action)
frontier.add(child)     # this part is for save the solution in png format .

def output_image(self, filename, show_solution=True, show_explored=True):
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
cell_size =
cell_border = 2

img =
(self.width * cell_size, self.height * cell_size),

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

solution =
self.solution[1] if self.solution is not None else None
for i, row in enumerate(self.walls):
for j, col in enumerate(row):
if col:
fill = (
40, 40, 40)
elif(i, j) == self.start:
fill = (
255, 0, 0)
elif (i, j) == self.goal:
fill = (
0, 171, 28)
elif solution is not None and show_solution and (i, j) in solution:
fill = (
220, 235, 113)
elif solution is not None and show_explored and (i, j) in self.explored:
fill = (
212, 97, 85)
fill = (
237, 240, 252)

([(j * cell_size + cell_border
, i * cell_size + cell_border),
((j + 1) * cell_size - cell_border, (i + 1) * cell_size - cell_border)]),
fill = fill

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
"use this command: python maze1.txt")

m = Maze(sys.argv[
print("This is our Maze:")
print("Solving the maze ...")
print("Number of explored states: ", m.num_explored)
print("This is the Solution: ")
"The_Maze.png", show_explored=True)

Result : 

After doing this code,  If every we find any errors the first need to solve the errors. After fixing the error hopefully, we can run the code and we will gate our expected solution.

To run this code we need to write in the terminal that is " python maze1.txt".

This is the Problem, 


This is the solution, 

First, we create a problem which name is maze.txt that is a text file. After that, we write the code. After finishing the code we call both of text file and the solution file in the terminal . Then we get the solution. 
Here we can see that there is a way to reach from A to B. And the way is representing with "*". This the optimal solution. We explored a total of 25 states to solve this problem.

Conclusion : 
First, we introduced the problem. After that, we explain the problem and how we can solve the problem. then we explain the algorithm after that we write the code with comments.  Anyone can easily understand the code. we discuss the result. If anyone follows this article then he/she can easily understand everything, They can also do this very easily. 
we can say this is the only reflection of the way that Sir has taught us. So this is the best AI course in Bangladesh. 

You are free to copy the code from here or other concluding remarks.



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