Find out the area of circle take user input in java Programming .

Find out  the area of circle take  user input in java Programming .

Theory : First we have to take a variable r in data type int or float as your wish .Now you have to set a veriable in  data type float (pi=3.1416), and  you take  a float type  variable name area .
Now you have to take input from user by using
(Scanner input =new Scanner (;
After doing this things you hae to apply the theory of area of circle (area =pi*r*r). after that print the  area veriable.

Souce Code:
package basicjava;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class AreaOCircle {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      int r;
      float area,pi=(float) 3.1416;
      Scanner input =new Scanner (;
        System.out.println("Enter the value of r:");
        System.out.println("Area of cicle is = "+area);

Output :

Enter the value of r:5
Area of cicle is = 78.53999

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